Custom Built Giant Factice Perfume Display Bottles

3D CNC Maching

Oversized Perfume Bottle Model

oversized perfume bottle model
3D CNC Maching

Giant Moisturiser Pot Model for Advert

giant moisturiser pot model for advert
3D CNC Maching

Huge Perfume Bottle Model

huge perfume bottle model
3D CNC Maching

Large Perfume Bottle Factice

large perfume bottle factice
3D CNC Maching

Beauty Product Pots Large Scale Model

beauty product pots large scale model
3D CNC Maching

Giant Lab Beaker

giant lab beaker
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At JH May we can design and create large-scale factices of perfume and fragrance bottles for shop display, advertisements and more. We have created oversized versions of perfume and toiletry containers ranging from plinth-mounted displays to massive, person-sized photo opportunities.

Making a small product stand out in a retail situation is often difficult, so large-scale factices are often used to grab a shopper’s attention. This could be displayed in a shop window, a Point of Sale stand, or a pop-up shop to draw in more customers. We have also manufactured factices for print and television advertising campaigns, which have been seen nationwide.

oversized perfume bottle model
giant moisturiser pot model for advert

The Model Making Process

We can take your existing bottle, 3D scan it and scale it using CAD software, and recreate it in a wide range of materials to suit your purpose and budget. All we need to start with is pictures of your container, the size you want it to be, and a rough idea of budget – we’ll do the rest!

large perfume bottle factice
beauty product pots large scale model

We can also incorporate interactive elements to any large-scale product model such as touch screens, audio, LED lighting and mechanical moving features. Oversized models can also be designed to include storage features and internal spaces to suit a variety of retail applications.

giant lab beaker
huge perfume bottle model

We’ve worked on large-scale window displays for some of the largest department stores in the country, as well as national and international adverts showing large perfume bottles. Whether it’s a shop-display factice, a pop-up stall, exhibition stand or advert, we can assist. To find out if we can help your next project, contact us at [email protected]